Russell Young British, b. 1959
Acrylic, oil based ink and diamond dust hand pulled screen print on linen
Paul McCartney, George Harrison and John Lennon at the recording studios in Abbey Road, London, in on July 1, 1963.. The Beatles recording ‘She Loves You’.“The celebrities depicted in the...
McCartney, George Harrison and John Lennon at the recording studios in
Abbey Road, London, in on July 1, 1963.. The Beatles recording ‘She
Loves You’.“The celebrities depicted in the DREAMLAND series are really
informed by my childhood in the 1960s and 1970s. Most of my work exists
from that time period. My father exposed me to the Rolling Stones. I
mean, if you think of the music that came out of England: The Beatles
and The Stones, Hendrix has come to London and he explodes. There are
all these fabulous movies circulating, featuring Marilyn Monroe and
Elizabeth Taylor. My father introduced me to all these characters, he
educated me on fabulous films and music. He immersed me in celebrity and
fame” - Young.Beatlemania
was the name given to describe the ecstatic, female-led fan culture
surrounding the Beatles between 1963 and 1966. The term first circulated
throughout British media in late 1963 and was used in order to capture
the teenage excitement that followed the Liverpool band as they toured
the UK. Beatlemania is described as a "religion of teenage culture" that
was indicative of how American youth now looked to their own age group
for social values and role models.
McCartney, George Harrison and John Lennon at the recording studios in
Abbey Road, London, in on July 1, 1963.. The Beatles recording ‘She
Loves You’.“The celebrities depicted in the DREAMLAND series are really
informed by my childhood in the 1960s and 1970s. Most of my work exists
from that time period. My father exposed me to the Rolling Stones. I
mean, if you think of the music that came out of England: The Beatles
and The Stones, Hendrix has come to London and he explodes. There are
all these fabulous movies circulating, featuring Marilyn Monroe and
Elizabeth Taylor. My father introduced me to all these characters, he
educated me on fabulous films and music. He immersed me in celebrity and
fame” - Young.Beatlemania
was the name given to describe the ecstatic, female-led fan culture
surrounding the Beatles between 1963 and 1966. The term first circulated
throughout British media in late 1963 and was used in order to capture
the teenage excitement that followed the Liverpool band as they toured
the UK. Beatlemania is described as a "religion of teenage culture" that
was indicative of how American youth now looked to their own age group
for social values and role models.